
Ukrit Sa-nguanhai, Trip After
Photo by Seb Charles

Edith Amituanai, Epifania
Photo by Seb Charles

Sriwhana Spong, And the creeper keeps on reaching for the flame tree
Photo by Seb Charles

Martin Sagadin, Garden of Clay
Photo by Seb Charles

Edith Amituanai, Epifania
Photo by Seb Charles

Pati Tyrell, Tulouna le Lagi
Photo by Seb Charles

Sriwhana Spong, And the creeper keeps on reaching for the flame tree
Photo by Seb Charles

Martin Sagadin, Garden of Clay
Photo by Seb Charles

Ukrit Sa-nguanhai, Trip After
Photo by Seb Charles

Pati Tyrell, Tulouna le Lagi
Photo by Seb Charles

Edith Amituanai, Epifania (still)

Sriwhana Spong, And the creeper keeps on reaching for the flame tree (still).

Martin Sagadin, Garden of Clay (still).

Ukrit Sa-nguanhai, Trip After (still).
What does a legacy taste, smell, sound, feel, or look like?
Artspace Aotearoa is thrilled to host the premiere screening of Legacies: five short films for cinema commissioned by CIRCUIT Artist Moving Image. Legacies includes work by Edith Amituanai, Martin Sagadin, Ukrit Sa-nguanhai, Pati Tyrell and Sriwhana Spong.
Curated by CIRCUIT curator-at-large Dr May Adadol Ingawanij (Thai/UK) the project began in late 2021 when Ingawanij sent the artists a series of propositions about the potential of the term ‘legacies’;
“Legacies are that which we carry, sometimes with pride and sometimes with shame, as the basis of social bonding, whether as things a people embodies with pride or as an enduring pain, a burden, some kind of ghost.
Legacies as: the pre-modern artistic, cultural, linguistic and religious heritages of the place and land that you were born into and raised in; the legacies of colonisation, and the spectres of nations and nationalisms, during and after colonialism, and their continuing shaping force; the legacies of the modern art/film histories, narratives, and ways of knowing that shaped you, and that bring an ambivalence and a desire to undo.”
– May Adadol Ingawanij
The result is a programme of five new artist works that proffer a portrait of a young Pasifika matriarch; a reflection on cinema as resistance in cold war Thailand; a painter’s studio and the trans-national practice of the artists themselves who work and live between Aotearoa, Bali, Thailand, UK and the wider South Pacific.
Legacies is presented as part of CIRCUIT’s 10th anniversary year, and continues CIRCUIT’s annual pairing of an international curator with local artists, towards the creation of new work and international exchange.
Legacies is accompanied by the Legacies Reader, a new publication edited by Thomasin Sleigh, which features contributions from the artists, plus fiction and essays from Huni Mancini, Tina Makereti and others. The Legacies Reader will be available for purchase at Artspace Aotearoa.
May Adadol Ingawanij is a Thai/UK curator and film scholar based at the University of Westminster in London. May's research explores histories and genealogies outside the dominant histories of cinematic arts; particularly avant-garde practice in Southeast Asia. She is one of CIRCUIT’s 2022 Curators-at-large.